Monday, February 4, 2013

Andie Six Months

 Andie Bear is 6 months old! We just love this girl so much.

She is such a content little kid (she wouldn't smile for me without moving tons and looking blurry)
What is she up to?
Eating and loving cereal, green beans, sweet potatoes, and not liking bananas
Not sleeping as well as I would hope
Grabbing for everything she can see
She loves her brother and the dog and will easily laugh at them
She loves her daddy and lights up when he comes in the room
Oh and she loves the mirror, like can sit in front of it for 20 min and be happy

Yep we sure do love this girly!


  1. Lol she must be a true mommas girl if she likes the mirror so much ;) she's a doll just like you! Miss you tons Heath!!

  2. Hey I was just going to say that about the mirror thing haha... Guess we have good memories of Heath staring at herself in the mirror :) Miss you girly
