Sunday, December 29, 2013


Here is a snap shot of our December. 
Ky finished up his first semester of clinicals, he will go back to school on January 13, but we are so happy having home more often for now. 

I got a nasty stomach flu the night of our Ward Christmas party. But my wonderful Sister-in-law Amy took Kacen with her and he even willingly joined the Nativity. 
What a cutie and I think he even knew one of the songs he sang.

We got some decent snow one evening so we took the kids out to play and learn to ski. And I even busted out my skis to head down the back yard, it was so fun!
Kacen loved it! I hope we can get him on a ski hill this year.
Longer runs would be less exhausting. But this kid loves anything ski and snowboarding, he will sit and read magazines or watch ski videos just for fun.
Andie liked the snow ok, but was a little bothered that she kept loosing her balance in her outfit.
My longest life friend's mother, Yvette Clark, came out to PA to visit her other daughter and stopped in to see me. We had a WONDERFUL time together. I took her to a tourist town in Amish country to visit the shops, we let kace decorate a gingerbread cookie and he loved it. That day was so fun because it became the day when the age gap bridged and Yvette was just my friend not my friends mom. But I do hope Abigail can come out next time too.
Kacen got to see Santa a couple of times. We like the Bass Pro Shop Santa best and he went there twice but Ky's work was hosting "Cookies and Milk with Santa." So we took the kids to see this scary Santa. I know they are doing a nice thing but man Santa looked a little rugged and dirty.
Andie was having none.
Until she got her food. Man I even dressed the kids up thinking it would be a nice photo op, no he was on a table cloth and napkin covered chair people!
 Amy took these beautiful photos for our Christmas card. Sorry don't have a pic of the card it's self. But here are the photos that were on it. I will put the blurb we put in the cards at the bottom for those of you who are interested.

Just some random pics

The weekend before Christmas we went up to Connecticut to visit my sister, K'Leena, and her family and my parents who came down from Maine to visit. I was so happy to be able to go to their Ward party because I missed mine and it was a wonderful program. Kacen also sang in their program, the kids sang his absolute favorite Christmas song, Jingle Bells. I only have a video of that, and videos take forever to load on blogger and never actually work.
My daddy-o sure loves these babes. Kendra and Andie are only a couple of months apart, I know they will have years of good times together.
I feel bad I didn't take more photos but Grandma was there to love on the kids, and I had a really great time being with my family.

Christmas eve we had a nice sit down dinner, made by Valarie. Amy made Christmas crackers, with these crowns inside. We added the mustaches for a good pic.
Here are the kids Christmas morning

I think the highlights for the kids were Andie's play kitchen that Kyle and I recrafted from a cupboard Ky's grandpa made, and Kacen's hotwheels racetrack and loop. 
 Christmas day after presents, cinnamon rolls and breakfast casserole, we went to Masonic Village to carol and that was so wonderful I love doing something for others on Christmas, even something simple.

And Mr. Gus who we hope can hold on til Spring when the ground is thawed enough so we can dig his hole. JK we love the dog.
Christmas night Ky's family goes to see a movie, so Ky and I went with Kacen to see Frozen, it was cute. But it was just fun taking him for his first time in the theater, he thought that was a ton of fun.

Oh and for those of you who missed it, Ky had a minor procedure done Saturday morning. Friday night at 6:15 he was eating a steak I bought him for Christmas (I don't usually buy a ton of red meat), on his first bite, he must have been too eager to chew it, the steak got stuck in his esophagus. Oh and also he has major esophogeal problems for like six years now, and we haven't addressed them. 
Soooo, we went to the ER after he tried and tried to force it either down or up with no success. At the ER they gave him two rounds of a med that is supposed to loosen the esophagus, it didn't work. So they had to do an endoscopy at 12:00 a.m. and reach in with a little claw and pull it out. Everything went well, and we will have follow ups and get all the issues resolved soon. We didn't get home til 3:00 a.m. I got in bed at 3:30 and woke up with the kiddos at 7:00, yikes it was a long day! But I feel worse for Ky who has been on a liquid only diet for the past couple of days. He graduates to soft food tomorrow and will stay on those for two weeks.

So that is about all of the exciting things I can think of. Hope you all have a great new year. And I will probably post again in January!

In 2013

Kyle started Nursing School, and is doing exceptionally well. He is still working in the ER as a Nurse Aid.

Heather catered two weddings, and has started making cakes, her first wedding cake is ordered for next March.

Kacen turned three. He started Headstart, and is doing very well. His speech is improving every day. He loves painting and doing anything active, he even started skiing this year.

Andie turned one. She started walking and talking. Her favorite words: mom, dada, there you go, thank you, dat (that), night night, bye bye, hi and hey.

We feel blessed that at the close of this year our family is in good health, we have accomplished some of our family goals and that Kyle and Kacen have excelled in their studies. We know many of you have prayed for our family this year and we greatly appreciate it. Some of our most challenging life experiences have happened this year, but we know through the grace and mercy of a loving Savior and Father in Heaven, and the faith and love of our family and friends, we have come out stronger and happier. Merry Christmas!

With much love,

The Congers

Kyle, Heather, Kacen and Andie

Sunday, December 8, 2013


We had a super busy November, mostly with home repairs, never ending home repairs. But I got some other fun pictures snapped too. So here goes.
Andie helping me sand her Christmas present, I love this age, I can get her gifts right in front of her and she doesn't even know. Before and afters of this gift will come later this month. 
 Andie Bean is sooo cute. She says: hi, mom, dada, ball, barks like a dog, says neigh, sings when music is on, please, thank you, here you go and NO.
 This is our buddy Owen, my friend Christie's baby boy. Andie loves him and loves to give him kisses and play with his face and binkies.

 Pretty Christie and Owen.
 Andie has crazy hair, I am trying to tame it and make it do something.
 She found her toes.
 Snuggles with mama.
 I tried to get some photos for our family Christmas card, so I guess here is a preview for ya.
 Isn't he so handsome?
 Andie was not happy with this activity.
 Well later it was ok.

Most of November brought home repairs around here. I was in charge of painting both kids rooms. Here is Kacen and Andie's room before and after. 
 It took soo long, and they got new floors. Both rooms look very nice, I will have to get a picture of the other room soon.
Well here is the before  
And the during

Oh my favorite part of the month was that all the giant pumpkins were only $2 at the local farmers after Halloween! I wanted one all season but didn't want to pay $15. So I went out and picked this baby up, I loaded it in my car all by myself. Then when I got home I went to take it out of the car and the thing fell on top of me and I was just laying on the ground laughing so hard because I was so happy to have that stinking pumpkin at my house!
We also had a wonderful Thanksgiving. My Jessi and her beau came, all the way from Utah! It was so great to get to know Adam better and to spend time with our Hessica.
I played in our wards annual Turkey Bowl, wow I didn't know half the rules to football. I think I played alright though.
And of course set up the Christmas tree that week.

Those kids sure loved helping out. I had every intention of moving the ornaments to make it more symetrical and put together but we have just left it, and I love it, because they did it.

Kacen is growing and developing so much everyday. Our hearts are filled with gratitude for his improvements. He loves to sing and sings all day long. He is always saying things that make laugh. The other day we were at a bounce house and I was climbing a ladder behind him, once he got to the top he turned around and reached down and said "here take my hand, I'll help you." 
He still doesn't care too much for Andie but we are working on that.

(Thanks to my sis-in-law Amy for some of the pictures I used here. Having a "sister wife" living in your house really has some perks, haha)

Oh but seriously, this month I am so grateful to my family who I live with. Especially Amy and Valarie, they both help me and my children so much, I feel so blessed to have them. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

More October

We went camping a couple of weeks ago with some friends, it was so much fun, and so great to get know our friends better. We went to the beautiful Gifford Pinchot State Park. Here is the evening picture of the lake.
 Morning at the lake

 Don't worry that kid belongs to the creeper with the stach
 Kacen playing with his friend in the sand. He actually loved the beach so much that despite freezing temperatures he took of his sock and shoes and was getting wet. Aye aye aye.

 I took Andie out kayaking with me, she fell asleep as soon as we launched.

 Then continued her nap in her pack and play, when she woke up it was so cute to see her peek her head out.

This year my sister-in-law who is holiday crazy was here and we have loved every minute of celebration, decorating and costume making and choosing. Thanks Amy for the good times. 
 Family night pumpkin painting.

 Cutie cousins
 Look how horrifying fun, family time is in the Conger house.
 Ah much better
 I enlisted the kids to help me scoop out the guts of the pumpkins to be carved by the adults.
 They had a good time, though Andie and Kace kept putting there stuff back into the pumpkins.

 Kacen and his cousins were Jake and Never Land Pirates, I didn't get a picture of all three but will need to snag some from my sister-in-law, they sure were cute. Kace was supposed to be Cubby but we just made him look pirate-esque
 Poppeye and Olive Oyl. Sometimes her hair goes back slick from the forehead and sometimes she has this swoop front, so I went with the swoop.
 We had a super fun trunk-or-treat at church. The kids loved it!
 Oh and the cutest white cat ever, for the five houses she went to that girl made out great in the candy department with her cute factor! I taught her to say "meow" when asked, "what does the kitty say?" Though she only completed the task twice.
 After he daddy took her home for the night she would go to the door when they had trick-or-treaters and give them a candy and say "here you go" (hergo). sooo cute!
 Adorable  with daddy
 Crazy with mommy

Hope you had a great October. November seems to be scheduled with helping in Kacen's classroom, a ski swap to hopefully find something for Kacen to use this season! And of course, Thanksgiving!