Sunday, April 14, 2013

Our Weekend

Ky worked this weekend so I braved the first day of soccer alone, won't be doing that again.
This pretty much sums up how it went for Kace, haha.

No Actually he loved it but mostly just at the beginning when all the kids were just kicking the balls around with no real direction. The coach directed stations weren't nearly as exciting and waiting in line to shoot was rough but.....we weren't the first tantrum and we didn't have to leave early, like some kids. So in my book it was a success.
Now the failure came when it was time to leave. Yikes! He was not happy about that, hence I need both hands for him alone next week.

Saturday night we went to our church roadshow. It was really fun, even if it is youth directed productions thrown together in two days, some amount of music and dancing makes me feel cultured. I really really really love plays and musicals and pretty much any production except orchestra performances, sorry. 

Today we went to church, Ky's main objective was to find an eight year-old kid to get the name of a game he was playing on his device at the roadshow (he is now sitting next to me playing said game). We had a nice, simple, lunch then headed over to the park with the kiddos.

 Yes I do let my kids out in public in messy clothes

I forgot the best parts! Andie started crawling this week, like for real! She is so cute that thing. And Kacen started using three word sentences, "I want cake," "look at that," and just so many words we didn't even know he knew. That kid is so smart, I am so thankful for wonderful programs that are out there to help get kids talking.

Life is super fun with my kids right now, she says after a nice day having her husband home and available (not with his nose in a book) all day. Yeah tomorrow is another day, and also this week was full of some pretty not so spectacular moments, mostly on my end and not dealing with situations the right way, anyway you live you learn.

 Yes I do let my kids play with sharp sticks

And yes I do love my kids, haha. I wish this picture wasn't blurry but I do just love it. After taking this shot I told Ky to get Andie and let us take a picture together so he went and pulled her stroller over next to us all white trash like, haha. 

It has been a very nice weekend.

Oh and to top it off Maddie and Valarie made caramel popcorn, the good chewy kind! I have already eaten like two bowls of it.

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